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Saturday, 16 March 2019

Weekly new high & low as per volume sorting updates : 15 march

Weekly new high & low as per volume sorting updates

Weekly New high  Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
IDFCFIRSTB 15/03/19 52.55 52.05 120889768 RCOM 15/03/19 4.35 4.4 220407504
ICICIBANK 15/03/19 398.25 395.3 112781480 BAJAJCON 15/03/19 307.8 323.7 8716838
RELIANCE 15/03/19 1362 1321.65 58478764 BSOFT 15/03/19 99 101 5984510
ALOKTEXT 15/03/19 5.55 5.55 54544912 ALKEM 15/03/19 1702 1760 596593
AXISBANK 15/03/19 751 735.1 51548540 SHIRPUR-G 15/03/19 34.3 34.35 490251
JUSTDIAL 15/03/19 655 610.15 39709836 DNAMEDIA 15/03/19 1.7 1.7 375993
RBLBANK 15/03/19 658.9 648.15 36283360 SAGARDEEP 15/03/19 74.1 77.75 328633
HDFCBANK 15/03/19 2259.9 2253 27407674 ICRA 15/03/19 2840 3011 266260
TITAN 15/03/19 1113.8 1097.25 14792936 FSC 15/03/19 554.2 570.8 237203
DCBBANK 15/03/19 207.7 201.2 14676443 SCHAND 15/03/19 172 179.8 178619
UPL 15/03/19 928.4 923.45 10361840 METKORE 15/03/19 0.9 1 168121
HAVELLS 15/03/19 776.75 745.1 10298826 VSTTILLERS 15/03/19 1325 1386 49554
MUTHOOTFIN 15/03/19 612.9 596.9 9078583 SABEVENTS 15/03/19 1.85 1.85 32725
ABFRL 15/03/19 236.9 227.1 6088995 EUROMULTI 15/03/19 0.55 0.65 22522
BATAINDIA 15/03/19 1386.6 1374.2 4901893 WSI 15/03/19 1.55 1.55 16657
GODFRYPHLP 15/03/19 1095 1082.55 4534410 CYBERMEDIA 15/03/19 4.85 5.1 15366
ADANIGAS 15/03/19 122.2 116.5 3992055 HOTELRUGBY 15/03/19 1.5 1.5 7352
CGCL 15/03/19 154.9 151.2 3827985 AHLEAST 15/03/19 225.8 240.9 6751
DIVISLAB 15/03/19 1729.9 1708 3665510 BLUECOAST 15/03/19 40.85 42.5 4501
REFEX 15/03/19 49.05 44.35 2209101 INTEGRA 15/03/19 1.55 1.6 2231
NAUKRI 15/03/19 1918 1867.75 1984961 KEYCORPSER 15/03/19 43.7 53.4 1855
IPCALAB 15/03/19 941.8 885.55 1505299
PIIND 15/03/19 1038.8 1013.3 1295333
TIINDIA 15/03/19 434 414.45 1230137
CESCVENT 15/03/19 648.9 614.1 1132847
CHALET 15/03/19 343.35 315.95 1063757
TRENT 15/03/19 399.95 388 1061085
ASTRAL 15/03/19 1295 1154.55 1003858
ARVINDFASN 15/03/19 791.8 791.8 899257
CREDITACC 15/03/19 498.85 461.65 884534
KOTAKBKETF 15/03/19 309.4 299.25 824928
MTEDUCARE 15/03/19 77 71.75 777820
AGROPHOS 15/03/19 74.8 66.95 705562
MAHASTEEL 15/03/19 195 174 682556
SOLARA 15/03/19 461 436.35 616808
ANUP 15/03/19 683.8 642.15 604781
JAIBALAJI 15/03/19 23.25 23.25 549743
BILENERGY 15/03/19 2.3 2.3 493793
GUJFLUORO 15/03/19 1095 1064.1 493447
CANTABIL 15/03/19 301.8 298.95 290324
SEAMECLTD 15/03/19 423 415 223258
AAVAS 15/03/19 1260 1162.4 197067
PGIL 15/03/19 191 181.55 195021
VINATIORGA 15/03/19 1733.3 1639 159783
TTKPRESTIG 15/03/19 9280 8529 134070
TCIEXP 15/03/19 767.7 724.95 128502
BAJAJHLDNG 15/03/19 3390 3337.2 121382
BANKBEES 15/03/19 3002.3 2991.46 59347
GMMPFAUDLR 15/03/19 1321 1267.7 32718
NETF 15/03/19 130 114.4 1357
NIFTYEES 15/03/19 14200 13500 57


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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