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Thursday, 7 March 2019


 Symbol  Close  Signal B above or S below S.L. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
SUZLON 6.9 Short 6.64 6.91 6.44 6.37 6.22 5.96 5.76
RPOWER 12.35 Short 11.93 12.36 11.59 11.48 11.24 10.81 10.48
RELINFRA 133.3 Short 129.32 133.43 126.19 125.15 122.86 118.89 115.75
CGPOWER 36.5 Short 35.44 36.54 34.61 34.33 33.73 32.67 31.84
DISHTV 38.85
DHFL 141.6 Short 138.48 141.74 136.02 135.20 133.40 130.28 127.82
REPCOHOME 446.15 Short 437.14 446.60 430.05 427.68 422.50 413.49 406.40
YESBANK 231.7 Short 227.43 231.93 224.06 222.94 220.49 216.21 212.85
JPASSOCIAT 6.6 Buy 6.72 6.59 6.81 6.84 6.90 7.02 7.11
INFIBEAM 40.55 Short 39.85 40.59 39.29 39.11 38.70 38.00 37.45
ZEEL 459 Short 451.06 459.46 444.81 442.73 438.16 430.22 423.97
SREINFRA 30.6 Short 30.10 30.63 29.70 29.57 29.28 28.77 28.38
PCJEWELLER 79.25 Buy 80.43 79.17 81.37 81.68 82.36 83.54 84.47
BUTTERFLY 198.3 Buy 201.16 198.10 203.42 204.17 205.82 208.68 210.93
IRB 147.7
TATAMOTORS 189.3 Buy 191.98 189.11 194.10 194.80 196.34 199.02 201.14
ALBK 54.85 Buy 55.61 54.80 56.21 56.41 56.85 57.61 58.21
IBULHSGFIN 719.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INDIANB 249.8 Short 246.49 250.05 243.88 243.01 241.11 237.79 235.19
CANFINHOME 291.55 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ADANIENT 136.9 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOTHERSUMI 165.4 Short 163.38 165.57 161.78 161.25 160.09 158.07 156.47
VEDL 176.05 Short 173.90 176.23 172.20 171.64 170.40 168.25 166.55
UJJIVAN 319.7 Buy 323.51 319.38 326.51 327.52 329.71 333.52 336.52
SAIL 54.4 Short 53.75 54.45 53.24 53.07 52.70 52.05 51.54
TATAMTRDVR 94.9 Buy 96.02 94.81 96.90 97.20 97.84 98.96 99.85
NCC 96.75 Short 95.61 96.85 94.71 94.41 93.75 92.61 91.71
ORIENTBANK 96.25 Buy 97.38 96.15 98.28 98.57 99.22 100.36 101.25
EQUITAS 127.25 Short 125.76 127.38 124.59 124.20 123.34 121.86 120.68
IDBI 44.05
PNB 85.45 Buy 86.43 85.36 87.20 87.45 88.01 88.99 89.76
KSCL 420.95 Short 416.19 421.37 412.44 411.19 408.45 403.68 399.93
JETAIRWAYS 242.25 Buy 244.97 242.01 247.12 247.83 249.40 252.12 254.26
NATIONALUM 57.1 Short 56.46 57.16 55.96 55.79 55.42 54.78 54.28
ADANIPORTS 340.9 Buy 344.65 340.56 347.61 348.59 350.75 354.51 357.46
IDFC 40 Short 39.56 40.04 39.22 39.10 38.85 38.41 38.06
CHENNPETRO 257.25 Buy 259.97 256.99 262.12 262.84 264.40 267.13 269.27
JUSTDIAL 532.25 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IDEA 32 Buy 32.33 31.97 32.59 32.68 32.87 33.20 33.46
SYNDIBANK 37.5 Buy 37.88 37.46 38.19 38.29 38.51 38.89 39.20
SUNTV 613.7
INDIACEM 96.5 Short 96.50 96.60 96.50 96.50 96.50 96.50 96.50
ICICIPRULI 330.2 Short 326.92 330.53 324.33 323.47 321.58 318.30 315.71
CANBK 257.35 Buy 259.88 257.09 261.87 262.54 263.99 266.52 268.51
NBCC 58.95 Short 58.38 59.01 57.92 57.77 57.44 56.87 56.41
L&TFH 140.75 Short 139.38 140.89 138.31 137.95 137.16 135.79 134.72
EICHERMOT 21521.5 Buy 21728.13 21499.98 21890.83 21945.07 22063.84 22270.47 22433.18
SOUTHBANK 15.15 Buy 15.30 15.13 15.41 15.45 15.53 15.68 15.79
BEL 89.35 Short 88.50 89.44 87.83 87.61 87.13 86.28 85.61
ASHOKLEY 90.9 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SRTRANSFIN 1229.1 Short 1217.58 1230.33 1208.51 1205.49 1198.86 1187.34 1178.27
MUTHOOTFIN 572.8 Buy 578.15 572.23 582.36 583.76 586.83 592.18 596.39
IFCI 13.8 Short 13.67 13.81 13.57 13.54 13.46 13.33 13.23
PAGEIND 23107.15 Short 22892.34 23130.26 22723.19 22666.81 22543.34 22328.52 22159.38
BEML 888.45 Short 880.22 889.34 873.75 871.59 866.86 858.64 852.16
GODFRYPHLP 927.8 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
M&MFIN 437.7 Short 433.66 438.14 430.49 429.43 427.11 423.07 419.89
TV18BRDCST 36.2 Short 35.87 36.24 35.61 35.52 35.33 35.00 34.73
DLF 175.95 Short 174.34 176.13 173.07 172.65 171.73 170.12 168.85
MCX 734.7 Short 727.98 735.43 722.69 720.93 717.07 710.35 705.06
ESCORTS 735.3 Short 728.60 736.04 723.33 721.57 717.73 711.03 705.76
HINDPETRO 249 Buy 251.26 248.75 253.04 253.63 254.93 257.18 258.96
MFSL 409.7 Buy 413.42 409.29 416.34 417.32 419.45 423.17 426.09
APOLLOHOSP 1186.95 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BANKBARODA 115.2 Buy 116.24 115.08 117.06 117.33 117.93 118.97 119.79
PEL 2575.25 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RECLTD 144.7
INFRATEL 305.65 Buy 308.36 305.34 310.50 311.21 312.77 315.48 317.62
JUBLFOOD 1326.2 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MANAPPURAM 118.8 Short 117.75 118.92 116.91 116.64 116.03 114.98 114.15
INDIGO 1221.15
IOC 150.2 Short 148.90 150.35 147.88 147.54 146.79 145.49 144.47
RAYMOND 815.15 Short 808.10 815.97 802.55 800.70 796.65 789.60 784.04
BPCL 370.7 Short 367.58 371.07 365.12 364.30 362.51 359.39 356.93
TATAPOWER 70.55 Short 69.97 70.62 69.51 69.35 69.02 68.44 67.98
TVSMOTOR 486.2 Short 482.18 486.69 479.02 477.96 475.65 471.63 468.46
GSFC 98.5 Short 97.69 98.60 97.06 96.85 96.38 95.58 94.94
BHEL 68.1
SUNPHARMA 450.9 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STAR 439 Buy 442.40 438.56 445.07 445.96 447.91 451.31 453.98
JSWSTEEL 289.7 Short 287.46 289.99 285.70 285.11 283.82 281.58 279.81
ONGC 152.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEROMOTOCO 2730.1 Short 2709.09 2732.83 2692.54 2687.03 2674.95 2653.94 2637.40
KTKBANK 120.4 Short 119.47 120.52 118.74 118.50 117.97 117.04 116.31
AJANTPHARM 973.45 Short 966.03 974.42 960.19 958.24 953.98 946.56 940.72
CUMMINSIND 742.15 Buy 747.78 741.41 752.21 753.68 756.92 762.55 766.98
DCBBANK 196.05 Short 194.59 196.25 193.43 193.05 192.21 190.74 189.59
CENTURYTEX 853.95 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RAMCOCEM 721.3 Short 715.94 722.02 711.72 710.31 707.23 701.88 697.66
CASTROLIND 161.85 Short 160.66 162.01 159.72 159.41 158.73 157.54 156.60
WIPRO 268.85 Short 266.87 269.12 265.32 264.80 263.66 261.68 260.13
ENGINERSIN 112.45 Short 111.63 112.56 110.98 110.76 110.29 109.47 108.82
MCDOWELL-N 560.25 Short 556.17 560.81 552.96 551.89 549.55 545.47 542.26
PFC 112.3 Short 111.49 112.41 110.85 110.64 110.18 109.37 108.73
TATASTEEL 521.15 Buy 524.86 520.63 527.79 528.76 530.90 534.61 537.53
ACC 1555.05 Buy 1566.07 1553.49 1574.75 1577.64 1583.97 1594.99 1603.67
IGL 289.3 Short 287.26 289.59 285.66 285.12 283.95 281.91 280.30
SRF 2350.65 Short 2334.08 2353.00 2321.04 2316.69 2307.16 2290.59 2277.55
ULTRACEMCO 3912.8 Short 3885.67 3916.71 3864.30 3857.18 3841.59 3814.45 3793.09
COALINDIA 235 Short 233.38 235.24 232.10 231.68 230.75 229.13 227.85
GRASIM 810.2 Short 804.67 811.01 800.32 798.87 795.70 790.17 785.82
VGUARD 217.45 Short 215.97 217.67 214.80 214.41 213.56 212.07 210.91
GLENMARK 611.4 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FEDERALBNK 87.95 Buy 88.54 87.86 89.01 89.17 89.51 90.10 90.57
GODREJCP 708.3 Buy 713.08 707.59 716.84 718.09 720.84 725.61 729.37
MRPL 70.8 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TATACOMM 611.4 Short 607.28 612.01 604.03 602.95 600.58 596.46 593.21
DIVISLAB 1650.9 Short 1650.90 1652.55 1650.90 1650.90 1650.90 1650.90 1650.90
CESC 696 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GMRINFRA 16.9 16.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TATAELXSI 960.75 Buy 967.01 959.79 971.94 973.58 977.18 983.44 988.37
AUROPHARMA 725.2 Short 720.48 725.93 716.75 715.51 712.80 708.07 704.35
TATAGLOBAL 196.6 Short 195.32 196.80 194.31 193.97 193.24 191.96 190.95
BATAINDIA 1349.45 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KAJARIACER 567.3 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NTPC 146.2 Short 145.25 146.35 144.51 144.26 143.71 142.77 142.02
VOLTAS 593.75 Short 589.90 594.34 586.88 585.87 583.66 579.81 576.78
TECHM 808.25 Short 808.25 809.06 808.25 808.25 808.25 808.25 808.25
NMDC 108.95 Buy 109.63 108.84 110.17 110.35 110.74 111.42 111.95
NHPC 24.8 Buy 24.95 24.78 25.08 25.12 25.20 25.36 25.48
HINDALCO 200.6 Short 199.35 200.80 198.37 198.05 197.33 196.08 195.10
BHARATFORG 516.35 Short 513.16 516.87 510.65 509.82 507.99 504.80 502.29
SHREECEM 17468.5 Short 17360.68 17485.97 17275.78 17247.49 17185.51 17077.69 16992.79
TCS 2013.3 Buy 2025.65 2011.29 2035.37 2038.62 2045.71 2058.06 2067.79
APOLLOTYRE 216.5 Short 216.50 216.72 216.50 216.50 216.50 216.50 216.50
MARUTI 7029.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MINDTREE 920.2 Buy 925.81 919.28 930.23 931.70 934.92 940.53 944.95
DRREDDY 2680.75 Short 2664.41 2683.43 2651.54 2647.25 2637.86 2621.52 2608.65
CHOLAFIN 1297.2 Short 1289.34 1298.50 1283.15 1281.09 1276.57 1268.72 1262.53
GAIL 344.15 Short 342.07 344.49 340.42 339.88 338.68 336.59 334.95
LICHSGFIN 488.05 Short 485.11 488.54 482.80 482.03 480.34 477.40 475.09
SIEMENS 1021.4 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EXIDEIND 223.75 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RBLBANK 622.45 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAJFINANCE 2734.8 Short 2718.65 2737.53 2705.93 2701.69 2692.41 2676.26 2663.54
ICICIBANK 370.8 Short 368.61 371.17 366.89 366.31 365.05 362.86 361.14
OIL 177.15
CEATLTD 1122.75
HAVELLS 718.45 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TORNTPOWER 249.05 Buy 250.49 248.80 251.63 252.01 252.84 254.28 255.41
HEXAWARE 351.2 Short 349.17 351.55 347.56 347.03 345.86 343.83 342.23
M&M 671.8 Buy 675.64 671.13 678.66 679.67 681.88 685.72 688.74
BHARTIARTL 307.65 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MGL 879.05
OFSS 3451.55
PETRONET 229 Buy 230.30 228.77 231.32 231.66 232.41 233.71 234.74
BAJAJFINSV 6598.5 Short 6561.04 6605.10 6531.55 6521.71 6500.18 6462.72 6433.23
BIOCON 611.55 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BOSCHLTD 18486.2 Short 18382.66 18504.69 18301.14 18273.97 18214.45 18110.92 18029.39
PVR 1519.55 Short 1511.10 1521.07 1504.44 1502.22 1497.36 1488.91 1482.26
GODREJIND 510.65 Buy 513.45 510.14 515.66 516.39 518.00 520.80 523.01
UBL 1388.3 Short 1380.74 1389.69 1374.78 1372.80 1368.45 1360.88 1354.93
CONCOR 485.6
BRITANNIA 3043.85 Buy 3060.20 3040.81 3073.08 3077.37 3086.77 3103.12 3116.00
PIDILITIND 1133.95 Short 1133.95 1135.08 1133.95 1133.95 1133.95 1133.95 1133.95
BERGEPAINT 300.25 Short 298.66 300.55 297.41 296.99 296.08 294.49 293.23
RELIANCE 1270.25
BHARATFIN 962.1 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NESTLEIND 10203.35 Short 10150.87 10213.55 10109.55 10095.77 10065.60 10013.12 9971.80
INFY 722.95 Short 719.29 723.67 716.40 715.44 713.33 709.67 706.79
MRF 57839.75 Short 57548.86 57897.59 57319.82 57243.47 57076.27 56785.38 56556.33
TITAN 1043.3 Short 1038.05 1044.34 1033.92 1032.54 1029.53 1024.28 1020.15
DABUR 433.1 Short 430.94 433.53 429.24 428.67 427.43 425.26 423.56
INDUSINDBK 1531.25 Short 1523.61 1532.78 1517.59 1515.58 1511.19 1503.55 1497.53
SBIN 281.75 Buy 283.15 281.47 284.24 284.61 285.41 286.81 287.91
NIITTECH 1323.4 Buy 1329.90 1322.08 1335.03 1336.73 1340.47 1346.98 1352.10
AMARAJABAT 742.6 Short 739.01 743.34 736.18 735.23 733.17 729.58 726.75
HCLTECH 1034.55 Short 1029.54 1035.58 1025.60 1024.29 1021.41 1016.41 1012.46
LT 1352.4
KOTAKBANK 1237.2 Short 1231.26 1238.44 1226.58 1225.03 1221.61 1215.67 1211.00
CADILAHC 326.6 Short 325.04 326.93 323.82 323.41 322.52 320.96 319.74
UPL 872.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAJAJ-AUTO 2919.9 Short 2906.33 2922.82 2895.64 2892.08 2884.28 2870.70 2860.02
COLPAL 1268.5
HINDZINC 269.85 Buy 271.09 269.58 272.07 272.40 273.12 274.36 275.34
POWERGRID 187.15 Buy 187.98 186.96 188.64 188.86 189.34 190.17 190.83
CIPLA 541.35 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HDFC 1880.2 Short 1872.11 1882.08 1865.73 1863.61 1858.95 1850.86 1844.49
TORNTPHARM 1775.4 Short 1767.82 1777.18 1761.86 1759.87 1755.52 1747.94 1741.97
ITC 290.1 Buy 291.29 289.81 292.23 292.55 293.23 294.43 295.37
MARICO 337.8 Buy 339.16 337.46 340.24 340.60 341.38 342.74 343.82
ASIANPAINT 1395.45 Buy 1395.45 1394.05 1395.45 1395.45 1395.45 1395.45 1395.45
HINDUNILVR 1705.4 Buy 1711.38 1703.69 1716.08 1717.65 1721.09 1727.07 1731.77
HDFCBANK 2126.5 Buy 2133.63 2124.37 2139.24 2141.12 2145.21 2152.34 2157.96


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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