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Thursday, 21 March 2019

Daily Volatility level for 22 March

Daily Volatility level for 22 March


Signal B abve or S belw S.L. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
SUZLON 6.9 Short 6.70 6.91 6.53 6.48 6.36 6.16 6.00
RPOWER 10.9 Short 10.61 10.91 10.37 10.30 10.13 9.83 9.60
CGPOWER 45.45 Short 45.45 45.50 45.45 45.45 45.45 45.45 45.45
RELINFRA 137.15              
DISHTV 37.25 Short 36.54 37.29 35.97 35.79 35.38 34.66 34.10
RELCAPITAL 189.65 Buy 193.14 189.46 195.89 196.80 198.81 202.30 205.05
DHFL 137.6 Buy 140.03 137.46 141.95 142.59 143.98 146.42 148.33
JUSTDIAL 608.75 Short 598.61 609.36 590.63 587.97 582.15 572.01 564.03
INFIBEAM 43.95 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
REPCOHOME 453.9              
ADANIPOWER 48.6 Short 47.87 48.65 47.29 47.10 46.68 45.94 45.36
SREINFRA 28.5 Short 28.07 28.53 27.73 27.62 27.37 26.94 26.60
YESBANK 252.15 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ZEEL 443.2 Short 436.82 443.64 431.79 430.12 426.45 420.06 415.04
JPASSOCIAT 6.1              
PCJEWELLER 82.15              
ARVIND 89.9 Short 88.79 89.99 87.92 87.63 86.99 85.88 85.00
ALBK 55.45              
CANFINHOME 326.35 Buy 330.17 326.02 333.17 334.17 336.37 340.19 343.19
IBULHSGFIN 732.6 Buy 741.11 731.87 747.82 750.05 754.94 763.46 770.16
IRB 147.55 Short 145.85 147.70 144.51 144.06 143.08 141.38 140.03
TATAMOTORS 180.2              
NBCC 65 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ADANIENT 139.45 Short 137.88 139.59 136.64 136.23 135.32 133.75 132.51
BSOFT 98.4 Short 97.29 98.50 96.42 96.13 95.49 94.38 93.50
IDFC 44.5              
INDIACEM 100.9 Short 100.90 101.00 100.90 100.90 100.90 100.90 100.90
JISLJALEQS 61.15 Short 60.47 61.21 59.94 59.77 59.38 58.70 58.17
MOTHERSUMI 157.05 Short 155.34 157.21 154.00 153.55 152.57 150.87 149.53
INDIANB 269.85 Short 266.96 270.12 264.69 263.93 262.27 259.38 257.10
SAIL 53.05 Short 52.48 53.10 52.03 51.89 51.56 50.99 50.54
GODFRYPHLP 1141.95 Buy 1154.13 1140.81 1163.72 1166.92 1173.92 1186.11 1195.70
HINDPETRO 275.1 Short 272.17 275.38 269.85 269.08 267.40 264.46 262.15
INDIGO 1423.7 Buy 1438.78 1422.28 1450.65 1454.61 1463.28 1478.36 1490.23
ORIENTBANK 107.85 Buy 108.99 107.74 109.88 110.18 110.84 111.98 112.87
NCC 109.5 Buy 110.65 109.39 111.55 111.85 112.51 113.66 114.56
UNIONBANK 88.45 Buy 89.38 88.36 90.11 90.35 90.88 91.81 92.54
UJJIVAN 333.55 Short 330.06 333.88 327.30 326.39 324.38 320.88 318.13
PNB 93.55 Buy 94.53 93.46 95.30 95.55 96.11 97.09 97.86
EQUITAS 133.8 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
JETAIRWAYS 218.55 Short 216.29 218.77 214.50 213.91 212.61 210.34 208.56
IDEA 33.1 Buy 33.44 33.07 33.71 33.80 33.99 34.33 34.60
NATIONALUM 55.9 Buy 56.48 55.84 56.93 57.08 57.41 57.98 58.44
BANKINDIA 100.55 Short 99.53 100.65 98.72 98.45 97.87 96.84 96.04
DLF 199.35 Buy 201.37 199.15 202.96 203.49 204.65 206.67 208.26
VEDL 174.55 Buy 176.32 174.38 177.71 178.18 179.19 180.96 182.35
JINDALSTEL 164.45 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ESCORTS 821.55 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IDBI 43.05 Short 43.05 43.09 43.05 43.05 43.05 43.05 43.05
KSCL 461 Buy 465.48 460.54 469.01 470.18 472.76 477.23 480.76
BEL 93.5              
TATAMTRDVR 89.2 Short 88.34 89.29 87.67 87.44 86.95 86.10 85.42
BEML 989.2 Short 979.74 990.19 972.29 969.81 964.37 954.91 947.46
BHARTIARTL 334 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PFC 114.2 Short 113.13 114.31 112.29 112.01 111.39 110.32 109.48
IDFCFIRSTB 52.35 Short 51.87 52.40 51.49 51.36 51.09 50.61 50.23
IOC 159 Short 157.55 159.16 156.40 156.02 155.18 153.73 152.59
BPCL 389.15 Short 385.62 389.54 382.84 381.92 379.89 376.36 373.58
EICHERMOT 21338 Short 21144.51 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ######
ADANIPORTS 360.6              
RECLTD 144.9 Short 143.60 145.04 142.58 142.24 141.49 140.20 139.18
SYNDIBANK 40.05 Buy 40.41 40.01 40.69 40.78 40.98 41.34 41.62
SOUTHBANK 16.05 16.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
APOLLOHOSP 1166 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CHENNPETRO 266.1              
CANBK 276.2 Short 273.84 276.48 271.99 271.37 270.01 267.66 265.80
SUNTV 616.55 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MCX 815.95 Buy 822.79 815.13 828.17 829.97 833.90 840.74 846.13
AJANTPHARM 1021.05 Short 1012.49 1022.07 1005.75 1003.51 998.59 990.03 983.29
ICICIPRULI 342.95 Short 340.08 343.29 337.81 337.06 335.41 332.53 330.27
SRTRANSFIN 1206.75 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NTPC 129.25 Short 128.18 129.38 127.33 127.05 126.43 125.36 124.51
INFRATEL 325.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
L&TFH 145.8 Short 144.60 145.95 143.66 143.34 142.65 141.45 140.51
GSFC 105.35              
M&MFIN 419 Buy 422.42 418.58 425.11 426.00 427.97 431.38 434.07
ASHOKLEY 90.85 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IFCI 13.7 Short 13.59 13.71 13.50 13.47 13.41 13.30 13.21
BANKBARODA 125.2 Buy 126.20 125.07 126.98 127.24 127.82 128.81 129.60
PVR 1628.45 Short 1615.54 1630.08 1605.38 1602.00 1594.58 1581.67 1571.51
KTKBANK 131.2              
MFSL 454.6 Buy 458.19 454.15 461.01 461.95 464.01 467.60 470.42
WOCKPHARMA 427.15 Short 423.78 427.58 421.13 420.24 418.31 414.94 412.29
JUBLFOOD 1400.35 Buy 1411.34 1398.95 1419.99 1422.88 1429.20 1440.19 1448.84
TV18BRDCST 35.2 Short 34.93 35.24 34.71 34.64 34.48 34.20 33.99
PAGEIND 23546.3 Short 23364.19 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ######
MUTHOOTFIN 593.2 Short 588.63 593.79 585.04 583.84 581.22 576.65 573.06
ONGC 151.85 Short 150.69 152.00 149.78 149.48 148.81 147.66 146.74
STAR 441.95 Short 438.60 442.39 435.96 435.08 433.16 429.80 427.17
MANAPPURAM 124.4 Buy 124.40 124.28 124.40 124.40 124.40 124.40 124.40
PEL 2607.2 Short 2607.20 2609.81 2607.20 2607.20 2607.20 2607.20 2607.20
BHEL 68.55 Buy 69.06 68.48 69.47 69.60 69.90 70.41 70.82
BHARATFORG 503.65 Short 499.87 504.15 496.89 495.90 493.73 489.95 486.97
TVSMOTOR 474.3 Short 470.76 474.77 467.97 467.04 465.00 461.46 458.67
LUPIN 753.4              
OIL 175.05              
ENGINERSIN 115.55 Short 114.70 115.67 114.04 113.82 113.33 112.49 111.82
WIPRO 261.55 Buy 263.45 261.29 264.95 265.45 266.55 268.45 269.95
TATAGLOBAL 198.1 Short 196.66 198.30 195.52 195.14 194.32 192.87 191.74
JSWSTEEL 282.3 Short 280.26 282.58 278.65 278.11 276.94 274.89 273.28
MRPL 73.6              
TATAPOWER 72.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TATASTEEL 513.6 Short 509.98 514.11 507.13 506.18 504.10 500.48 497.63
SUNPHARMA 474.75              
HEROMOTOCO 2609.15 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IGL 305.1 Buy 307.22 304.79 308.88 309.44 310.65 312.77 314.43
FEDERALBNK 92.35 Short 91.71 92.44 91.21 91.04 90.67 90.03 89.52
VGUARD 218.45 Buy 219.95 218.23 221.13 221.52 222.38 223.88 225.06
VOLTAS 614.1 Buy 618.26 613.49 621.54 622.64 625.03 629.20 632.47
CENTURYTEX 900.2 Short 894.10 901.10 889.29 887.69 884.18 878.07 873.26
NESTLEIND 10530.15 Short 10459.14 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ######
RAYMOND 818 Short 812.48 818.82 808.14 806.69 803.52 798.01 793.66
CESC 722.55              
CASTROLIND 156.4 Short 155.36 156.56 154.54 154.26 153.66 152.62 151.80
COALINDIA 237 Short 235.42 237.24 234.18 233.76 232.85 231.27 230.03
APOLLOTYRE 220.55 Short 219.10 220.77 217.97 217.59 216.76 215.31 214.17
GLENMARK 649.3 Buy 653.53 648.65 656.86 657.97 660.40 664.63 667.96
CHOLAFIN 1372.8 Short 1363.86 1374.17 1356.81 1354.47 1349.33 1340.38 1333.34
RAMCOCEM 707.6 Short 702.99 708.31 699.36 698.15 695.50 690.89 687.26
INDUSINDBK 1713.4 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BHARATFIN 1078.95 Short 1072.04 1080.03 1066.61 1064.79 1060.82 1053.92 1048.48
GMRINFRA 17 Short 16.89 17.02 16.81 16.78 16.71 16.61 16.52
KAJARIACER 573.5 Short 569.83 574.07 566.94 565.98 563.87 560.19 557.30
CUMMINSIND 745.7 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MCDOWELL-N 571.6 Short 567.96 572.17 565.10 564.14 562.05 558.42 555.55
NMDC 113.65 Short 112.93 113.76 112.36 112.17 111.75 111.03 110.46
ULTRACEMCO 3922.3 Short 3897.49 3926.22 3877.96 3871.45 3857.19 3832.38 3812.85
AMBUJACEM 227.45 Short 226.03 227.68 224.91 224.54 223.72 222.30 221.18
HINDALCO 207.15 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ACC 1560.2 Short 1550.57 1561.76 1542.99 1540.46 1534.92 1525.29 1517.71
BATAINDIA 1351.75 Buy 1360.04 1350.40 1366.57 1368.75 1373.51 1381.80 1388.33
GODREJCP 703.55 Short 699.26 704.25 695.88 694.76 692.29 688.00 684.63
HAVELLS 757.3 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SRF 2401.9 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAJFINANCE 2868.6 Short 2868.60 2871.47 2868.60 2868.60 2868.60 2868.60 2868.60
BALKRISIND 914.85 Short 909.31 915.76 904.94 903.49 900.30 894.76 890.40
DCBBANK 199.2 Short 197.99 199.40 197.04 196.73 196.03 194.83 193.88
DIVISLAB 1675.35 Short 1665.20 1677.03 1657.21 1654.55 1648.71 1638.56 1630.57
AUROPHARMA 776.6              
CONCOR 514.25 Buy 517.35 513.74 519.78 520.60 522.38 525.47 527.91
TATACOMM 612.9 Buy 616.57 612.29 619.45 620.42 622.52 626.19 629.08
RBLBANK 644.75 Short 640.89 645.39 637.86 636.84 634.63 630.77 627.73
MARUTI 6673.55              
GRASIM 817.65 Short 812.91 818.47 809.19 807.94 805.22 800.49 796.76
MGL 966.5 Short 960.90 967.47 956.50 955.03 951.81 946.21 941.80
MINDTREE 950.65 Buy 956.12 949.70 960.43 961.86 965.00 970.47 974.78
ICICIBANK 392.9 Short 390.64 393.29 388.86 388.27 386.97 384.71 382.93
PETRONET 241.95 Short 240.56 242.19 239.46 239.10 238.30 236.90 235.81
RELIANCE 1375.45 Short 1367.59 1376.83 1361.40 1359.34 1354.82 1346.96 1340.77
HCLTECH 1037.95 Buy 1043.80 1036.91 1048.41 1049.95 1053.31 1059.16 1063.77
TATAELXSI 986.75 Buy 992.31 985.76 996.70 998.16 1001.35 1006.92 1011.30
POWERGRID 197.4 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DRREDDY 2751.65 Buy 2766.85 2748.90 2778.82 2782.81 2791.55 2806.75 2818.72
BOSCHLTD 18392.8 Short 18291.19 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ######
SHREECEM 18037.5 Short 17937.85 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ######
AXISBANK 755.75 Short 751.60 756.51 748.34 747.25 744.87 740.72 737.46
NHPC 25 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KOTAKBANK 1351.6 Buy 1358.96 1350.25 1364.76 1366.70 1370.93 1378.29 1384.09
SIEMENS 1061.7 Buy 1067.48 1060.64 1072.04 1073.56 1076.88 1082.67 1087.22
BRITANNIA 3088.1 Short 3071.39 3091.19 3058.24 3053.85 3044.25 3027.54 3014.39
TECHM 789.85 Short 785.58 790.64 782.21 781.09 778.63 774.36 771.00
TORNTPOWER 260.25 Short 258.84 260.51 257.73 257.36 256.55 255.15 254.04
CADILAHC 337.9              
GAIL 354.7              
PIDILITIND 1176.75 Buy 1183.03 1175.57 1187.97 1189.62 1193.22 1199.50 1204.44
BIOCON 628.15              
TATACHEM 585.3 Short 582.20 585.89 579.76 578.95 577.16 574.06 571.62
TCS 2015.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEXAWARE 341.75 Buy 343.55 341.41 344.96 345.43 346.47 348.26 349.68
CEATLTD 1133.1 Short 1127.19 1134.23 1122.53 1120.98 1117.58 1111.66 1107.01
LICHSGFIN 520.65 Short 517.93 521.17 515.79 515.08 513.52 510.80 508.66
MARICO 338.85 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DABUR 426.05              
M&M 678.6 Short 675.11 679.28 672.36 671.45 669.44 665.95 663.20
INFY 738.95 Buy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LT 1370.9 Buy 1377.79 1369.53 1383.22 1385.03 1389.00 1395.89 1401.32
SBIN 303.8 Buy 305.32 303.50 306.51 306.91 307.78 309.30 310.49
BAJAJFINSV 6953.5 Short 6919.06 6960.45 6891.94 6882.90 6863.10 6828.66 6801.55
EXIDEIND 229.45 Buy 230.56 229.22 231.43 231.73 232.36 233.47 234.35
GODREJIND 534.8              
OFSS 3400.65 Buy 3416.85 3397.25 3429.60 3433.85 3443.16 3459.35 3472.11
UBL 1384.65              
BERGEPAINT 312.05 Buy 313.48 311.74 314.60 314.97 315.79 317.22 318.34
UPL 935.4 Buy 939.61 934.46 942.92 944.02 946.44 950.64 953.95
AMARAJABAT 727.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TITAN 1102.35 Short 1097.44 1103.45 1093.57 1092.28 1089.45 1084.54 1080.67
NIITTECH 1328 Short 1322.13 1329.33 1317.51 1315.97 1312.60 1306.73 1302.10
TORNTPHARM 1867.9              
MRF 56976.6 Short 56733.47 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ######
COLPAL 1289.8 Buy 1295.16 1288.51 1299.37 1300.78 1303.86 1309.22 1313.43
HINDZINC 277.05 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAJAJ-AUTO 2949.65              
HDFC 1987.55 Buy 1995.50 1985.56 2001.76 2003.85 2008.42 2016.37 2022.63
ITC 298.9 Short 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HDFCBANK 2299              
ASIANPAINT 1456.15              
HINDUNILVR 1687.55 Short 1681.51 1689.24 1676.75 1675.16 1671.69 1665.64 1660.88
CIPLA 533.25 Short 531.38 533.78 529.91 529.42 528.34 526.47 525.00


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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