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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Weekly new high and new low equity stock updates : 09 Jan 2016

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
APTECHT 08-01-2016 77.35 75.1 8083540 NIFTYMNC 08-01-2016 9050 9061 19499734
DCW 08-01-2016 30.15 29.35 6855417 VEDL 08-01-2016 79.15 81.05 14021580
TRIVENI 08-01-2016 53.45 52.75 6450330 SBIN 08-01-2016 208.6 209 11745840
TATACOFFEE 08-01-2016 111.7 109.1 4246278 LT 08-01-2016 1175 1179 3570675
SKSMICRO 08-01-2016 546.25 531.35 3558392 APOLLOTYRE 08-01-2016 144.3 150.1 3121295
IBWSL 08-01-2016 15.75 15.75 3511690 BHEL 08-01-2016 152.3 153.6 3027792
GSPL 08-01-2016 154.15 146.5 2770602 ESSDEE 08-01-2016 164.6 164.6 2974441
ANDHRACEMT 08-01-2016 10.4 10 2279441 HCLTECH 08-01-2016 813.8 828.4 1688435
DHAMPURSUG 08-01-2016 76.85 75.95 1689720 MARUTI 08-01-2016 4196 4215 994652
KCPSUGIND 08-01-2016 31.1 30.25 1367022 ALBK 08-01-2016 63.9 64.65 949567
INDSWFTLAB 08-01-2016 46.8 44.25 1298936 DENABANK 08-01-2016 39.05 39.9 414219
GOACARBON 08-01-2016 90.9 87.75 1159250 CONCOR 08-01-2016 1245 1274 403552
RAJESHEXPO 08-01-2016 733 704.6 1073709 SETFNIF50 08-01-2016 76.15 76.32 300085
MUKTAARTS 08-01-2016 75.65 72.85 1017013 AMARAJABAT 08-01-2016 825.3 845.4 210505
TEXMOPIPES 08-01-2016 26.85 26.85 999664 ULTRACEMCO 08-01-2016 2636 2705 202636
VETO 08-01-2016 119.2 117.6 993518 HEROMOTOCO 08-01-2016 2485 2490 198609
MEGASOFT 08-01-2016 14.35 12.95 933321 ACC 08-01-2016 1275 1296 161727
SIGNET 08-01-2016 69.85 65.95 927244 IPCALAB 08-01-2016 675.1 681.8 155929
HINDPETRO 08-01-2016 897 887.55 842467 MCDOWELL-N 08-01-2016 2738 2810 151135
SHEMAROO 08-01-2016 361 348.5 813485 GLOBOFFS 08-01-2016 295.2 319.5 129587
KEI 08-01-2016 124 121.95 811298 TBZ 08-01-2016 84.1 84.95 113339
NUTEK 08-01-2016 1 1 756631 SELAN 08-01-2016 195.2 196.9 69738
LAKSHMIEFL 08-01-2016 22 20.65 752277 ALPHAGEO 08-01-2016 452.1 489.8 69254
NEXTMEDIA 08-01-2016 22.7 22.15 747613 RKFORGE 08-01-2016 473 478.5 61083
PROVOGE 08-01-2016 8.5 8.5 693030 VIVIDHA 08-01-2016 52.2 56.05 57572
SAKHTISUG 08-01-2016 39 38.25 688229 SMLISUZU 08-01-2016 1048 1054 48990
NILKAMAL 08-01-2016 1468 1436 642433 NESTLEIND 08-01-2016 5615 5633 44465
GMBREW 08-01-2016 1170 1087.6 606885 KIRLOSBROS 08-01-2016 147.3 148.4 43021
ROHLTD 08-01-2016 110.95 110.95 532851 GRASIM 08-01-2016 3515 3576 26761
SVOGL 08-01-2016 8.8 8.8 520384 HITACHIHOM 08-01-2016 1222 1236 16834
ABIRLANUVO 08-01-2016 2366.3 2341.05 490687 INDTERRAIN 08-01-2016 135 142.6 13676
FLFL 08-01-2016 96.4 93.4 486919 JKLAKSHMI 08-01-2016 321.4 322.6 12556
ARROWTEX 08-01-2016 42.75 42.35 481197 TIMKEN 08-01-2016 517 531.2 10720
ANKITMETAL 08-01-2016 2.85 2.75 478382 JKCEMENT 08-01-2016 560.2 562.4 6796
BSELINFRA 08-01-2016 4.4 4.15 446361 TVSSRICHAK 08-01-2016 2633 2737 3287
SUPREMETEX 08-01-2016 12.45 12.45 419902 HDFCNIFETF 08-01-2016 755.7 757.7 1739
ESSAROIL 08-01-2016 261 260.1 383724 HUBTOWN 08-01-2016 105 108.5 1651
PDPL 08-01-2016 82.65 77.4 363610 CURATECH 08-01-2016 7.6 7.6 766
GIPCL 08-01-2016 94.5 90.35 358444 HDFCSENETF 08-01-2016 2492 2570 4
VALUEIND 08-01-2016 17.75 17.1 282454
NATHBIOGEN 08-01-2016 114.95 109.45 279707
GUJGASLTD 08-01-2016 677 644.15 277283
VIVIMEDLAB 08-01-2016 484.2 473.75 244555
PIIND 08-01-2016 709.5 700 218834
SPLIL 08-01-2016 39.2 39.2 213551
BAGFILMS 08-01-2016 4.85 4.85 212341
REFEX 08-01-2016 12.4 12.4 209922
KANSAINER 08-01-2016 297 292.2 190222
METKORE 08-01-2016 3.9 3.8 153536
INDOWIND 08-01-2016 5.85 5.75 112557
PIONEEREMB 08-01-2016 89.4 89.4 106608
PRAENG 08-01-2016 9 8.65 106187
BAJFINANCE 08-01-2016 6365.2 6314.5 103507
RKDL 08-01-2016 14.3 14.3 81462
FIEMIND 08-01-2016 816 801.35 75068
SQSBFSI 08-01-2016 1291 1281.25 72008
BLUECHIP 08-01-2016 0.55 0.5 68035
UGARSUGAR 08-01-2016 14.5 14.45 67569
PREMIER 08-01-2016 56.65 54.85 54124
TOKYOPLAST 08-01-2016 64.1 64.1 50827
SAKSOFT 08-01-2016 409.9 409.9 50193
CTE 08-01-2016 163.45 161.8 46958
ARVINFRA 08-01-2016 113.75 113.75 43320
TECHNOFAB 08-01-2016 199.1 194.75 41433
HBSTOCK 08-01-2016 11.6 10.15 40941
MOIL 08-01-2016 224.8 215.2 40262
ZYLOG 08-01-2016 5.55 5.55 32251
ASAHISONG 08-01-2016 178.7 170.2 27443
EXCELCROP 08-01-2016 1242 1152.8 25165
ECEIND 08-01-2016 196.8 182.6 24786
NEPCMICON 08-01-2016 2.5 2.5 24516
SRGINFOTEC 08-01-2016 0.4 0.35 22001
ENTEGRA 08-01-2016 4 4 19097
SOMATEX 08-01-2016 8.15 8.15 17038
VASWANI 08-01-2016 6.75 6.7 16601
SURANACORP 08-01-2016 2.8 2.8 14666
WINSOME 08-01-2016 0.95 0.95 12489
TRICOM 08-01-2016 3.05 3.05 10700
SATHAISPAT 08-01-2016 42 41.35 10648
VSTTILLERS 08-01-2016 1545 1522.45 9663
HOTELRUGBY 08-01-2016 5.05 4.95 8639
GEMINI 08-01-2016 4.9 4.9 7902
GOLDTECH 08-01-2016 6.15 6.15 7755
DSSL 08-01-2016 17.25 17.25 7737
TULSI 08-01-2016 6.1 6.1 6094
INDSWFTLTD 08-01-2016 6.95 6.95 6089
PRADIP 08-01-2016 2.65 2.65 5051
TODAYS 08-01-2016 5.4 5.4 4108
TIJARIA 08-01-2016 5.75 5.75 3651
RAMSARUP 08-01-2016 2.1 2.1 2700
KESARENT 08-01-2016 31.95 31.55 2589
RADAAN 08-01-2016 2.4 2.4 2300
RELCNX100 08-01-2016 94.78 78 1665
ORIENTALTL 08-01-2016 7.05 7.05 500
RAJVIR 08-01-2016 60.7 58.9 235
GANGOTRI 08-01-2016 1.65 1.65 200
LICNETFGSC 08-01-2016 14.59 14.59 150
PREMIERPOL 08-01-2016 28.25 28.25 100
VISUINTL 08-01-2016 2.7 2.7 60
SHAHALLOYS 08-01-2016 11.95 11.95 45


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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