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Saturday, 30 January 2016

Weekly new high and new low equity stock updates : 29 Jan 2016

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
BALRAMCHIN 29-01-2016 91.5 88.95 6411076 IDEA 29-01-2016 102.3 103.2 31490932
PRICOL 29-01-2016 48.7 47.95 5285800 BHARTIARTL 29-01-2016 282.3 289.9 21250516
SIGNET 29-01-2016 74.5 71.8 4252777 ADANIPORTS 29-01-2016 207.2 212.3 20605842
COSMOFILMS 29-01-2016 321.9 309.95 3212214 FEDERALBNK 29-01-2016 45.7 46.15 18055456
ALANKIT 29-01-2016 86.5 85.6 2661192 ALOKTEXT 29-01-2016 5 5.1 18006564
CANTABIL 29-01-2016 90.9 88.6 845858 SYNDIBANK 29-01-2016 66.6 67.3 15068305
SHREEPUSHK 29-01-2016 129.4 123.55 753700 EXIDEIND 29-01-2016 116 120.3 12999199
KANANIIND 29-01-2016 20.3 19.55 545597 JUSTDIAL 29-01-2016 602 608.2 10068579
MANGTIMBER 29-01-2016 26.3 21.9 528305 M&MFIN 29-01-2016 192.5 207.9 7690988
ANTGRAPHIC 29-01-2016 0.9 0.9 463188 MARICO 29-01-2016 207.3 221.7 6203053
TIJARIA 29-01-2016 8.15 8.1 343137 TATACHEM 29-01-2016 339.1 353.4 4941692
DWARKESH 29-01-2016 133.75 129.9 330803 CESC 29-01-2016 426.8 452.3 4323132
TOKYOPLAST 29-01-2016 74.8 74.8 149265 COLPAL 29-01-2016 846.6 858 3973297
RBL 29-01-2016 437.9 398.2 141322 KITEX 29-01-2016 385 438.2 3725089
EIHAHOTELS 29-01-2016 328 317.25 34655 MCLEODRUSS 29-01-2016 141.2 155.2 3263421
SGL 29-01-2016 7.6 7.1 22573 RSSOFTWARE 29-01-2016 64.15 65.35 3151877
SETFGOLD 29-01-2016 2498 2462.4 13931 LIQUIDBEES 29-01-2016 950.9 1000 2447036
AGRITECH 29-01-2016 11.55 11.35 7341 RMCL 29-01-2016 16.15 19.8 1889573
TFL 29-01-2016 10.65 10.65 7111 MCDOWELL-N 29-01-2016 2427 2488 1714069
BLUEBLENDS 29-01-2016 104.15 104.15 6035 CUB 29-01-2016 77.8 80 1648853
RAMSARUP 29-01-2016 3.3 3.3 5310 GUJFLUORO 29-01-2016 430 478.6 955472
PARAPRINT 29-01-2016 0.95 0.95 2050 MAX 29-01-2016 332 365.7 917449
PNEUMATIC 29-01-2016 850 779.9 1016 TBZ 29-01-2016 64.25 66.75 611887
LICNETFGSC 29-01-2016 14.67 14.54 723 GDL 29-01-2016 300 302.4 347970
BEARDSELL 29-01-2016 127.95 118.45 272 INDTERRAIN 29-01-2016 110.4 114.4 235804
KIRLOSENG 29-01-2016 217.5 240.7 212351
PURVA 29-01-2016 50.25 50.9 175318
HEG 29-01-2016 134.7 136.3 108356
IFGLREFRAC 29-01-2016 83.5 86.9 63678
TCIFINANCE 29-01-2016 24.25 24.4 62523
MYSOREBANK 29-01-2016 380 390.8 59808
BOSCHLTD 29-01-2016 16855 17496 52475
KAMATHOTEL 29-01-2016 38 38.45 34307
SKFINDIA 29-01-2016 1155 1167 33287
ATFL 29-01-2016 477.4 486.8 25045
HIL 29-01-2016 553 564.6 21498
IMFA 29-01-2016 114.5 120 19974
ESABINDIA 29-01-2016 524.4 538.2 18691
BIRLACORPN 29-01-2016 380 391.5 12902
AHLEAST 29-01-2016 130.1 147.7 6849
HINDNATGLS 29-01-2016 77 79.95 5743
ICNX100 29-01-2016 68 84.97 1751
SEINV 29-01-2016 181 182.1 1534
RELCNX100 29-01-2016 72.1 74.48 1253


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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