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Saturday, 19 December 2015

Weekly new high and new low equity stock updates for 19 Dec 2015

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
FCEL 18/12/15 24.9 24 34091844 ICICIBANK 18/12/15 243.1 250.1 70894184
JETAIRWAYS 18/12/15 626.9 619 31080148 PNB 18/12/15 120.2 122 31900268
NOCIL 18/12/15 64.5 60.55 20727972 ONGC 18/12/15 211.3 223.3 22995360
KWALITY 18/12/15 135 131.95 15616495 CASTEXTECH 18/12/15 13.2 13.5 19492866
CEREBRAINT 18/12/15 28.75 24.3 14815803 BHARTIARTL 18/12/15 304.2 319.1 17648228
TRIVENI 18/12/15 43.5 42 14335394 GUJNRECOKE 18/12/15 2.65 2.7 12855378
VAKRANGEE 18/12/15 191.8 180.6 14113283 IDFCBANK 18/12/15 54.05 58.4 12305409
SCI 18/12/15 100.95 97.55 11238986 LT 18/12/15 1265 1287 12262557
SYNCOM 18/12/15 11.4 11.4 11192418 APOLLOTYRE 18/12/15 145.2 150.9 8476772
ESSAROIL 18/12/15 227.8 225.1 10796885 OPTOCIRCUI 18/12/15 10.8 11.3 8006097
INDIGO 18/12/15 1234 1139.25 10202467 CANBK 18/12/15 237.5 242.6 7925104
SHK 18/12/15 248.2 243.3 5562892 RMCL 18/12/15 19.95 21.5 7904562
RAMANEWS 18/12/15 31.6 31.6 4558305 ALBK 18/12/15 67 70.3 6454110
MTEDUCARE 18/12/15 173.55 169 4250339 J&KBANK 18/12/15 74.25 75.7 4944778
DIGJAM 18/12/15 12.65 12.65 4142459 BYKE 18/12/15 148.2 149.9 4172137
HITECHPLAS 18/12/15 209.75 191 3007679 IBVENTURES 18/12/15 24.25 24.95 4162899
KRIDHANINF 18/12/15 119.9 115.75 2537202 SMSPHARMA 18/12/15 96.3 122 2648961
ELAND 18/12/15 49.95 47.45 2284543 USHAMART 18/12/15 11.1 11.6 1581560
ORIENTHOT 18/12/15 28.6 26.85 2182476 RALLIS 18/12/15 162.5 175.1 1580931
TVTODAY 18/12/15 316.5 312.45 2109939 DHANBANK 18/12/15 22.5 22.9 1432646
JENSONICOL 18/12/15 11.15 10.75 1804178 SUDAR 18/12/15 2.8 3.35 1244787
OMAXAUTO 18/12/15 91.8 86.85 1799364 INDIANB 18/12/15 112.5 112.9 996536
ZENTEC 18/12/15 120.25 118.55 1785314 CORPBANK 18/12/15 39.75 39.95 935723
SONATSOFTW 18/12/15 186 181.35 1712628 BAJAJELEC 18/12/15 196.8 204.5 792456
NCLIND 18/12/15 184.5 173.35 1598496 IBWSL 18/12/15 8.65 8.85 688510
PIRPHYTO 18/12/15 95 91.35 1590223 RUCHISOYA 18/12/15 27.65 27.9 553800
LOTUSEYE 18/12/15 22.7 20.1 1570838 KIRLOSENG 18/12/15 229.6 242 549938
NAVKARCORP 18/12/15 221 204.05 1499384 AIAENG 18/12/15 835.8 871 485094
APLAPOLLO 18/12/15 783.6 762.65 1374607 EUROCERA 18/12/15 2.3 2.8 476105
SAKHTISUG 18/12/15 35.5 32.2 1303190 SGJHL 18/12/15 9.1 9.75 358767
GOLDIAM 18/12/15 61.7 58.7 1252640 AVANTIFEED 18/12/15 437.6 476.4 352157
SHREEPUSHK 18/12/15 118.9 111.6 1175259 SHRENUJ 18/12/15 19.95 19.95 347941
SUBROS 18/12/15 106 105.2 1002359 NAVNETEDUL 18/12/15 79.5 83 244296
PRAKASHCON 18/12/15 3.75 3.75 975099 SALZERELEC 18/12/15 226.7 234.8 203426
EON 18/12/15 69.95 68.95 935486 LUXIND 18/12/15 2800 3974 134484
HERITGFOOD 18/12/15 586.5 579.75 840941 KAMATHOTEL 18/12/15 45 49.6 125808
ANTGRAPHIC 18/12/15 0.6 0.6 789444 UFO 18/12/15 475.6 495.3 124501
PRESSMN 18/12/15 62.4 57.3 674562 UMANGDAIRY 18/12/15 64.5 74.8 103501
GEMINI 18/12/15 3.45 2.95 610689 GUJFLUORO 18/12/15 550.1 565.7 65558
RUCHIRA 18/12/15 67 63.6 572433 MONSANTO 18/12/15 2090 2294 43426
SANGAMIND 18/12/15 304.85 291.45 537505 BHARTISHIP 18/12/15 19.35 23.45 29677
KAJARIACER 18/12/15 977.5 961.05 447806 SADBHIN 18/12/15 93 96.4 28729
LAOPALA 18/12/15 653.95 630.8 412068 SETFGOLD 18/12/15 2315 2341 25007
ICIL 18/12/15 1110 1087.6 341898 SURANACORP 18/12/15 1.45 1.55 24800
VSSL 18/12/15 70.45 59.05 340804 ATFL 18/12/15 530.1 534.7 23225
ALPA 18/12/15 83.9 83.9 299387 SURANAIND 18/12/15 6.6 6.9 15089
PNC 18/12/15 23.45 21.9 298023 KIRLOSBROS 18/12/15 160.1 166.8 13454
LINCPEN 18/12/15 213.05 207.65 282463 KTKNV20ETF 18/12/15 30.5 34.93 12905
BAJFINANCE 18/12/15 5850 5813.8 261829 ORISSAMINE 18/12/15 1855 1890 11791
MOLDTKPAC 18/12/15 285 276 257245 SETFNIF50 18/12/15 76.38 78.02 10491
DENORA 18/12/15 309.75 288.5 243702 INFRABEES 18/12/15 263 270.8 7937
PIONDIST 18/12/15 285.25 285.25 232402 PSUBNKBEES 18/12/15 315 323.6 7215
8KMILES 18/12/15 2010 1973.45 198159 PILANIINVS 18/12/15 1300 1355 4021
GEECEE 18/12/15 147.7 144.6 189234 IDBIGOLD 18/12/15 2326 2335 1456
GARWALLROP 18/12/15 407.05 390.6 176958 ZENITHCOMP 18/12/15 2.2 2.45 1325
PEARLPOLY 18/12/15 23.9 23.15 168824 AXISGOLD 18/12/15 2230 2244 934
VISUINTL 18/12/15 1.65 1.65 153744 RELGRNIFTY 18/12/15 645 751 592
CANFINHOME 18/12/15 1054.4 1033 137381 MURLIIND 18/12/15 2.8 2.9 215
LUXIND 18/12/15 4148 3974.2 134484
GSKCONS 18/12/15 6670 6648.05 128457
SQSBFSI 18/12/15 1129 1087.5 103603
UNIVCABLES 18/12/15 85.1 81.7 91883
AGARIND 18/12/15 190 183.7 84052
ADORWELD 18/12/15 362.5 357.65 77213
SABTN 18/12/15 367.15 363 70554
AHLWEST 18/12/15 160 128.2 65881
CUBEXTUB 18/12/15 16.8 16.55 58075
ANANDAMRUB 18/12/15 33.1 33.1 54757
DTIL 18/12/15 349 338.6 49799
GOCLCORP 18/12/15 151.2 147.75 44118
JHS 18/12/15 17.4 17.4 37112
THEMISMED 18/12/15 524.85 524.85 36562
GULPOLY 18/12/15 454.8 434.8 32986
MAHSCOOTER 18/12/15 1619 1449.4 16561
RADAAN 18/12/15 1.5 1.5 12722
AICHAMP 18/12/15 31.65 31.65 6803
ORIENTALTL 18/12/15 4.25 4.25 4997
GISOLUTION 18/12/15 6 6 2793
CYBERMEDIA 18/12/15 11.55 11.55 2228
STINDIA 18/12/15 16.7 16.7 2210
RELGRNIFTY 18/12/15 910 751 592
BLUEBLENDS 18/12/15 32.65 32.65 162


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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