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Friday, 11 September 2015

Telcos Pay $15 Royalty For Every Mobile Line : 11 Sept 2015

 Expressing concerns over rising royalty payments mainly to foreign equipment makers, a senior DoT official said about $15 goes out of India for every mobile telephony service line added by an operator. The royalty payment for mobile services providers runs into crores of rupees as each operator has million of service lines to support voice services. A single mobile service line ideally supports a single call at a given point of time. The industry needs to invest in research and development for intellectual property rights as these are going to be lifeline of the Indian electronics industry, IT and Electronics Secretary JS Deepak said at an event. "IPR or royalty payments are problem for country. Every line of mobile capacity that telecom service providers add in India, $15 goes out as royalty for equipment purchased by them. That is macro-perspective and it happens in other space .


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