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Saturday, 9 December 2017

Weekly new high and new low equity stock updates : 8 Dec

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
DLF 08-12-2017 241.8 238.4 46677300 SRSLTD 08-12-2017 1.8 1.8 23750932
MOREPENLAB 08-12-2017 28.8 27.45 40411064 RNAVAL 08-12-2017 33.85 36.7 19976332
VIKASECO 08-12-2017 36.7 34.75 38722520 DWARKESH 08-12-2017 55.5 58.75 10794789
SETCO 08-12-2017 55.4 53.6 36230372 PINCON 08-12-2017 31.75 32.15 8943646
NCC 08-12-2017 127.2 125.05 30669526 LUPIN 08-12-2017 806.3 822.9 6196176
IVC 08-12-2017 32.1 28.4 27873444 GLENMARK 08-12-2017 530.2 536.2 4474939
DIGJAMLTD 08-12-2017 22.75 16.85 26874244 SANCO 08-12-2017 49.95 50.25 4325176
GAIL 08-12-2017 499.9 482.5 26603388 LYCOS 08-12-2017 5.05 5.1 4230331
EKC 08-12-2017 64.8 64.15 23896684 RAINBOWPAP 08-12-2017 2.3 2.55 3113915
NITCO 08-12-2017 128.8 105.2 19364106 MCX 08-12-2017 896.7 976.5 2361588
MOTHERSUMI 08-12-2017 377 372.3 17258860 LML 08-12-2017 8.1 8.85 1915801
FCL 08-12-2017 48.25 47.15 13750516 MANPASAND 08-12-2017 365.8 379.2 1142117
GRAPHITE 08-12-2017 674.8 659.7 12712063 BKMINDST 08-12-2017 35.5 39 1018838
VAKRANGEE 08-12-2017 762 759 11047852 POKARNA 08-12-2017 196.9 204.9 709128
DEN 08-12-2017 112.2 107.3 10122538 5PAISA 08-12-2017 181 227.6 615553
ELECON 08-12-2017 96.35 93.7 9999302 NIACL 08-12-2017 580 583 486557
JKPAPER 08-12-2017 131 128.6 9785497 SAKHTISUG 08-12-2017 24.1 24.65 478150
VIJSHAN 08-12-2017 31.2 31.2 8204109 TIINDIA 08-12-2017 215.7 259.2 298508
GENUSPOWER 08-12-2017 72.75 70.25 7885694 STEELXIND 08-12-2017 52.25 52.25 250614
HEXAWARE 08-12-2017 349.9 330.1 7488549 PLASTIBLEN 08-12-2017 219.5 227.7 212528
MADRASFERT 08-12-2017 45.1 40.6 7468134 NACLIND 08-12-2017 40.7 43.8 190313
PRAKASH 08-12-2017 154.3 151.4 6989162 NEULANDLAB 08-12-2017 861.8 889.5 183928
SHANKARA 08-12-2017 2364.8 1873.25 6802476 SATHAISPAT 08-12-2017 32.05 34.2 180421
VIDHIING 08-12-2017 113.8 104.95 6208635 JINDCOT 08-12-2017 9.15 10.8 176495
MINDTREE 08-12-2017 575.9 546.1 5946929 SMLISUZU 08-12-2017 869.9 875.8 152898
HINDUNILVR 08-12-2017 1331 1326.65 5888816 CRISIL 08-12-2017 1761 1786 99975
BHAGYANGR 08-12-2017 57.8 48.45 5849072 UMESLTD 08-12-2017 1.65 1.65 84590
RAMKY 08-12-2017 271.65 230.85 5467844 ATLASCYCLE 08-12-2017 200.3 202.4 74584
KEC 08-12-2017 352.6 337.35 5288922 CLNINDIA 08-12-2017 553.5 558.8 60768
TVSMOTOR 08-12-2017 758 748.65 4776388 AKSHARCHEM 08-12-2017 622 658.7 55390
ISMTLTD 08-12-2017 19.05 15.75 4746205 HITECHCORP 08-12-2017 164.6 165.4 27197
SRTRANSFIN 08-12-2017 1393.2 1375.45 4386029 CLEDUCATE 08-12-2017 282.2 295.6 17009
CAPACITE 08-12-2017 437.45 412.9 4286963 PAEL 08-12-2017 7.4 7.75 6165
WINDMACHIN 08-12-2017 104.9 98.25 4075947 SHYAMTEL 08-12-2017 9.95 10.8 5428
WSTCSTPAPR 08-12-2017 291.4 287.2 3352882 DYNAMATECH 08-12-2017 1995 2026 4853
APEX 08-12-2017 939 813.4 3187179
COFFEEDAY 08-12-2017 284.9 280.15 3035431
KEI 08-12-2017 414 408.45 3029788
PARACABLES 08-12-2017 13.45 12.05 3010832
PRICOLLTD 08-12-2017 126.45 122.1 2954855
AEGISCHEM 08-12-2017 266 255.75 2914923
MARUTI 08-12-2017 9119 9042.25 2718609
AJMERA 08-12-2017 365.85 339.75 2665940
PIDILITIND 08-12-2017 899.4 890.9 2593809
URJA 08-12-2017 4.25 4.25 2512886
BALKRISIND 08-12-2017 2456 2415.45 2464608
MCDOWELL-N 08-12-2017 3466.9 3420.9 2388750
VIMTALABS 08-12-2017 176 165.6 2350685
SUPERSPIN 08-12-2017 24.6 20.45 2313464
PITTILAM 08-12-2017 92.45 87.1 2280347
MASTEK 08-12-2017 410 392.8 2265038
REMSONSIND 08-12-2017 146.8 137.4 2208166
SPARC 08-12-2017 463.7 444.6 2041600
PROVOGE 08-12-2017 8 8 2006240
GAEL 08-12-2017 195.8 192.85 1829971
TARMAT 08-12-2017 74.5 67.75 1770176
GPIL 08-12-2017 194.85 187.85 1722596
HGS 08-12-2017 888 851.8 1673985
KOTARISUG 08-12-2017 19.7 19.15 1673669
EMAMIINFRA 08-12-2017 314.65 296.95 1551562
SORILHOLD 08-12-2017 250.7 245.85 1539477
BHARATWIRE 08-12-2017 120.8 111.05 1404534
CIMMCO 08-12-2017 138.5 116.9 1400378
GREENPLY 08-12-2017 341 336.1 1339622
ICICIGI 08-12-2017 769 765.75 1281342
BALAMINES 08-12-2017 674.5 639 1268887
HOVS 08-12-2017 357.7 324.05 1128638
CYIENT 08-12-2017 605.75 584.85 1122536
EVEREADY 08-12-2017 454 437 1093804
QUESS 08-12-2017 984 977.5 1009712
HITECHGEAR 08-12-2017 531.95 515.75 949283
PRABHAT 08-12-2017 178.8 175.7 939414
ISFT 08-12-2017 832.4 806 934962
GMBREW 08-12-2017 858 795.5 883906
CHOLAFIN 08-12-2017 1324.9 1299.55 868280
NAGREEKCAP 08-12-2017 62.45 62.45 823330
PRECWIRE 08-12-2017 247.7 233.7 795821
MAYURUNIQ 08-12-2017 516.35 503.9 788919
LAOPALA 08-12-2017 717.2 649.15 754452
CARBORUNIV 08-12-2017 395.8 387.2 695955
JKIL 08-12-2017 345.05 325.4 650966
PSPPROJECT 08-12-2017 519 500.95 612748
WEIZFOREX 08-12-2017 1655.4 1477.9 605855
VRLLOG 08-12-2017 434.9 418.65 599886
PAPERPROD 08-12-2017 347.9 340.35 596912
SOMICONVEY 08-12-2017 74.3 69.8 580267
NRAIL 08-12-2017 453.75 438.6 530857
MSPL 08-12-2017 23.55 19.35 525072
LCCINFOTEC 08-12-2017 0.65 0.65 513908
BRITANNIA 08-12-2017 4963.9 4855.85 501487
NUTEK 08-12-2017 2 2 486543
LUMAXTECH 08-12-2017 666.65 659.2 477983
AUTOAXLES 08-12-2017 1598.8 1420 455608
BUTTERFLY 08-12-2017 578 519.8 431725
RKFORGE 08-12-2017 823.4 802.6 411796
RML 08-12-2017 826 791.4 395856
PUNJABCHEM 08-12-2017 479.7 463.9 373658
RJL 08-12-2017 277.8 257 357726
SIMPLEXINF 08-12-2017 617.6 571.05 314489
NESTLEIND 08-12-2017 7989 7921.05 296718
THERMAX 08-12-2017 1174 1164.9 282619
TIMESGTY 08-12-2017 96 86.9 273582
LTTS 08-12-2017 1128 1010.95 247975
SIS 08-12-2017 1196.5 1149.6 229539
SUNDARMFIN 08-12-2017 1929.9 1872.65 228874
AUSOMENT 08-12-2017 73.05 73.05 223574
SILINV 08-12-2017 581.7 500 197858
IFBIND 08-12-2017 1500 1378.05 196568
HINDUJAVEN 08-12-2017 639 630.35 192588
HESTERBIO 08-12-2017 1488 1438.75 168507
FINCABLES 08-12-2017 688.95 684 162442
MOTOGENFIN 08-12-2017 54.1 54.1 161317
BILENERGY 08-12-2017 1.4 1.4 160266
TECHIN 08-12-2017 16.45 14.85 154562
RANEHOLDIN 08-12-2017 2160 2065.7 153987
SAMTEL 08-12-2017 1 1 147575
BIRLACABLE 08-12-2017 72.4 64.35 139330
RUCHINFRA 08-12-2017 5.5 4.55 132570
RATNAMANI 08-12-2017 1055 1012.85 125149
WEIZMANIND 08-12-2017 72.5 72.5 115941
ASPINWALL 08-12-2017 470 423.9 111031
SOLARINDS 08-12-2017 1272.8 1165.4 102011
ZANDUREALT 08-12-2017 2690 2160.1 99596
ASTRAL 08-12-2017 855 825.05 92411
LUMAXIND 08-12-2017 2250 2089.7 64352
IFGLEXPOR 08-12-2017 348.9 331.6 62873
MMFL 08-12-2017 957 939.5 61584
HINDNATGLS 08-12-2017 171.05 169.15 59003
GRINDWELL 08-12-2017 528.3 524.2 58904
GANGESSECU 08-12-2017 129 118.95 57293
TTKPRESTIG 08-12-2017 7248.8 7152.6 56546
RELDIVOPP 08-12-2017 32.99 28.05 55706
KHANDSE 08-12-2017 19.4 19.4 47697
PODDARHOUS 08-12-2017 1630 1580.2 43829
ABBOTINDIA 08-12-2017 5659 5643.2 33439
GILLETTE 08-12-2017 7000 6996.4 32248
CERA 08-12-2017 3864 3764.85 24564
GREENLAM 08-12-2017 1207.3 1160.4 16744
WELINV 08-12-2017 145.95 145.95 14742
PGHH 08-12-2017 9900 9721.05 14051
SUMMITSEC 08-12-2017 893.95 866 13315
RELCONS 08-12-2017 56.95 51.05 11377
N100 08-12-2017 475.2 425.06 11127
KHAITANLTD 08-12-2017 28.2 26.75 8488
MASKINVEST 08-12-2017 28.9 28.9 120
NIFTYEES 08-12-2017 12700 11800 14


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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